Mexican Hot Chocolate with Coconut Whipped Cream
Mexican Hot Chocolate with Coconut Whipped Cream Who wouldn't want to drink a cup of this delicious hot chocolate on a cold night after...
Blueberry and Mango Energy Smoothie
Try this quick pick me up after all the Thanksgiving indulgences. It's a great way to get a blast of antioxidants and vitamins to keep...
Taoas - heat/austerity
TAPAS Tapas refers to heat or discipline in the Niyamas of Yoga. This heat is related to a burning desire to be a better person and to...
Vegan Gluten Free Pumpkin Pie
This recipe is perfect for the holidays and it is a healthy alternative to traditional pumpkin pies. Vegan Gluten Free Pumpkin Pie (from...
Meatless Monday - Sweet Potato and Kale Frittata with Goat Cheese
SWEET POTATO AND KALE FRITTAT WITH GOAT CHEESE (reciepe from the Vegetarian Times) Sweet Potatoes and Kale are a great source of Vitamins...
Santosha - Contentment
Santosha - Contentment "When you are discontent, you always want more, more, more. Your desire can never be satisfied. But whe you...
Saucha - Cleanliness
SAUCHA - CLEANLINESS Saucha is the first of the Niyamas and refers to cleanliness and purity. This cleanliness in yoga refers not only...
Meatless Monday - Butternut Squash Black Bean Chilli
Butternut Squash Black Bean Chilli (recipe courtesy of Serves 4 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 butternut...
The Niyamas
The Niyamas are the second of the eight limbs of yoga. Note that the Yamas and Niyamas (right living) come before asana in the eight...
APARIGRAHA Aparigraha refers to non-coveting and is the fifth of the five Yamas. This Yama enourages us to think about what we really...